Talk at Mini-Debian Conf on Raspbian

It was my first time to visit IIT Bombay one of the top tier college in India which is well known in entire globe for its reputation, A mini-debian conf was organised by Debian contributors and FOSS enthusiastic from Mumbai.

The event which took place at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) was opened by Professor Kumar Appiah from the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Bombay, following the inauguration Venkatesh Hariharan started off the day with a keynote. The day two keynote was given by Kannon Moudgalya from the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay and is also head of the Free and Open Source Software for Education (FOSSEE) project.

The conference covered a variety of topics ranging from hacking with Kali Linux, Open Hardware, an introduction to Raspbian (Debian on the Raspberry Pi), Mobile hacking and mobile forensics. Cyber Crime, Docker, Rust (Mozilla’s newish programming language) and many other Debian related talks.

Below is a listing of the sessions that took place at the two-day event, thanks to Purvesh Shah who sent the list along:

  • Open Source Security with Kali Linux by Rizwan Shaikh

  • AppStream/DEP-11 for the Debian Archive by Abhishek Bhattacharjee

  • Open Hardware — Warranty NOT void if opened by Anool Mahidharia

  • Debian and the BeagleBone Black by Raju Vindane

  • A comparison of BeagleBone Black (which is completely open hardware) and Raspberry Pi (which is partially open hardware)

  • Lil’Debi: Running Debian on Android by Kumar Sukhani

  • Debian on ARM by Siji Sunny

  • Introduction to Raspbian – A Raspberry Pi flavour of Debian by Rahul Mahale

  • Debian History and Debian Cycle by Shirish Agarwal

  • Key-signing Party: With so many Debian Developers around, it was the perfect opportunity for everyone to sign and exchange their keys with other volunteers as well.

  • Debian ‘In’ India by Kartik Mistry and Future Directions for Debian—IN by Jaldhar Vyas

  • Mobile Hacking & Mobile Forensics by Sachin Dedhiya

  • Cyber Crime in India & Digital Forensics by Sachin Dedhiya

  • Introduction to Docker by Augustine Correa

  • Debian Packaging by Praveen A

  • Gnome Shell Accessibility with Orca by Krishnakant Mane

  • Rust: The memory safe programming language by Manish Goregaokar

  • Building A Mail Server with Debian by Jaldhar Vyas

  • Lightning Talk by Sana Khan

So my all day was with excitement and enthusiasm and awesome talks I started my Talk on Raspbian after the talk of Siji who talked on Debian on ARM

My session was focused on

Introduction to Raspbian — I started with an introduction about the Raspberry Pi board, how it differs from other boards and some of its use cases. Then I talked about Raspbian, a port of Debian to the Raspberry Pi, which is also the recommended operating system for the Raspberry Pi. I showed how to get Raspbian setup and then showed how to setup this Raspberry Pi as a WiFi router. There was a short Q&A session which I answered to best of my knowledge my presentation and how to is available at my Github profile[1]



Following are some links where the event was covered