Kubernetes workshop at BigBinary, Pune

In this introductory Kubernetes 101 hands-on workshop you will learn about:

  • Understanding Kubernetes terms and resources.
  • Provisioning and using Kubernetes clusters.
  • Deploy and Manage containers to kubernetes using kubectl.

Session 1

  • Introduction to kubernetes.
  • Overview of Kubernetes service providers and self hosting k8s cluster
  • Understanding kubernetes internals.

Session 2

  • Understanding kubernetes terms(deployments, services, configmaps, jobs, cronjobs, persistent volumes, statefulsets, daemonsets etc.) and usage.
  • Deploying sample application on kubernetes.

Session 3

  • Usage of configmaps, volumes and annotations with k8s resources.
  • Handling Zero downtime deployments.
  • Introduction to ingress controllers and ingress routing.

contents of the workshop are here.